Programs and Initiatives
ECCC harnesses the climbing community to develop and repair trails accessing our recreation areas. These community engagement opportunities preserve the surrounding natural habitat from unmanaged traffic.
If you would like to join our community for trail-building opportunities, click the button below.

ECCC navigates the logistics and provides a platform for groups or individuals that can sign up to adopt a climbing area.
If you would like to join a group or to have your own group adopt a crag let us know by emailing us at eaglecountycc@gmail.com.

Safety is paramount for climbers, and ECCC is active in the replacement of old or outdated fixed climbing protection.
If you would like to donate to improve the safety of our climbing community, click the donate button below.
If you would like to report fixed protection in need of repair, please email us at eaglecountycc@gmail.com

ECCC provides a community platform to advocate for access and maintenance of climbing areas. We actively engage with government agencies, private land owners and other stakeholders on the climbing communities behalf.
By becoming a member of ECCC you join your voice with ours, and together we can accomplish much. Please join ECCC today.

Education is at the forefront of our mission. ECCC strives to educate both the climbing and non-climbing communities across all demographics.
We work with our community partners to educate both children and adults in conservation and safety related to rock climbing. Contact ECCC via email (eaglecountycc@gmail.com) to find out more about our education initiatives.